Melo, Vanessa | 2007-...

Melo, Vanessa | 2007-...

Vanessa de Pacheco Melo | 2007-.... Architect and researcher, focused on the social production of space in different geographical-historical contexts and at different scales. PhD in Urbanism, with a Doctoral Research Grant of the Funding Agency for Science and Technology (2015). Collaboration with GESTUAL - Urban Socio-Territorial and Local Intervention Study Group, of CIAUD - Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Design, Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa (since 2009). Postdoctoral Fellow at the
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, with a Post-Doctoral Research Grant of the University Research Committee (2016-2018). Postdoctoral Fellow at UAc - University of the Azores, with a Post-Doctoral Research Grant of the Regional Funding Agency for Science and Technology of the Azores (2018-2021). Researcher of the project "Africa Habitat - From the sustainability of habitat to the quality of inhabit in the urban margins of Luanda and Maputo" (2018-2022). Member of the Technical Commissions of the Architects Association, Regional Section of the Azores (2021-2023). Researcher of CHAM - Centre for the Humanities, NOVA FCSH-UAc (since 2023).