Carbone, Claudio | 2016-2017/2023-...

Carbone, Claudio | 2016-2017/2023-...

Claudio Carbone | 2016-2017/2023-... Graduated in social architecture in Rome, he continued his studies in the field of social movements at various universities of sociology in the world (Brazil, Portugal, Costa Rica), is currently doing a PhD in development studies at the University of Social Sciences in Lisbon, and is a "collaborator researcher" of the GESTUAL research group since 2016. His cinematographic interest focuses on the concept of territoriality and analyses those personalities, and their daily resistances, in the struggle for the production of space. Director and director of photography, is the author of short documentaries: "Cielito Rebelde" 35', (2016) on the movements of fighting in Mexico, "Rosso Vivo" 59' (2017) over a communal occupation in Rome; "Another Lisbon Story" 59' (2017) on the process of inclusion of a slum in Lisbon society. And his firts feature documentary is "Hasta que muera el sol" 75' (2019) on indigenous struggle movements in southern Costa Rica.

Curriculum Vitae